30 Days of Knitting and Crochet – Day 2

30 Days of Knitting AND Crochet! – Day 2
Knitting – What is currently on your needles? – Currently what’s on my needles is Wingspan on Ravelry (the second will take you to my profile.)

Start of Wingspan
Start of Wingspan

Crochet – What is currently on your hook? Gentle Breeze, a Leisure Arts pattern, my favorite baby blanket pattern & not the first I’ve done for this person, who requested it for a friend. 🙂

Start of Gentle Breeze
Start of Gentle Breeze

Also on my mind, getting the crocheted necklace I want to make figured out, I’ve got an order for Wingspan for someone I met at a Halloween party (order made when I raved about the pattern), and trees I have to embellish and hopefully find a way to sell. I love when crafting is the first thing on my mind when I get up in the morning!

Also on tumblr!

I AM trying, I really am!

I think I am even somewhat successful!  I’m not trying to get on here often (sorry), with all the computer juggling and wondering if my computer will work or Tom’s or what, it’s just so much easier to worry just about my Facebook, Twitter is easier to access here on my phone, and I’m always adding or removing apps depending on what I like, don’t like, download to try or what have you.  And then there’s if our cell bill gets paid, on time or not, and our cable bill (so far so good on that one).

But it’s not as if I’m not busy.  I’m still working on shawls from the Knitted Lace pattern book, and this year I decided to try container gardening again.  My favorite plants are the ones out back, which include several pepper plants (green ones, but orange and yellow too, plus a red one, which are my favorite kind).  Here’s that sweet trio:

Gardening in containers
Cucumbers, Peppers and Zucchini (if I'm lucky)

That’s at their beginning.  They are getting bigger:

Trying to container garden!
Are they much better?

But the real reason I do container gardening is my past success with tomatoes.  This year I decided to do those with the Topsy Turvy planter.  I was going to go with 2, but only managed to get 1 finished and my strawberry planter (omg you need 15[!] for that – I don’t recall seeing THAT on the box) with the energy and time I had.  The other one wilted, but I have it for next year!

Tomato plant in Topsy Turvy outside my front door.
Tomato plant in Topsy Turvy outside my front door.

My favorite tomatoes on this plant so far have got to be the ones on the very bottom:

My Favorite Tomatoes on the plant
My Favorite Tomatoes on the plant.

These are my strawberries.  I suck at making sure to water them—but by strange coincidence have been able to set up a method to make sure I have a certain amount of water that I try to bring out twice a day.  The plants in back, unfortunately, still aren’t so lucky.  :-/ :

Recuperating Strawberries
Recuperating Strawberries

I’ve also played around with my sewing machine & fabric, with a pattern completely off the top of my head – it was a prepared fabric, the kind WalMart’s been selling with the…whatcha call it?…not ruffling, but the fabric’s all sinched up for a bodice.  Of course it was ladybug fabric that caught my eye, and I know both my co-designers were with me with the hubs there & my mom in spirit, almost talking in my head.  The rest was my idea-the panel I had to put in the back because it was a remanent and there wasn’t enough to go all the way around, with matching straps.  I still have to figure those out so they lay flat & cover my bra:

Freeform Ladybug Shirt
Freeform Ladybug Shirt
Better Look at Shirt Fabric
Better Look at Shirt Fabric

There is other fabric I like at the store, long enough to be a dress.  It would end up being as much as a store bought dress, but it would be all my work.

I need to get back into the swing of writing, but I am doing better cleaning (somewhat).

Wish my luck at getting back on here, and especially getting back to writing.  It really is troublesome—my laptop has decided to quit working all together again, and while my hubby recently bought a new computer, it’s because he bought it to be part of the media center he’s setting up around his awesome 3D big screen tv.  So everyone is using it—mostly for the pS3, but also for regular television, the Wii and for all 4 of us to have access to the computer.  UGH!

Heads or Tails 1/27/09 – Loud

I’ve been thinking about my HoT post all day. I’ve reviewed my options—comment on loud things. Post a story about something loud.

The most obvious loud things around here are my kids. Although, as of late they’ve been pretty quiet, so there’s no point.

And I’m just not in the mood right now to write a whole story. Sorry.

So I’m going to give you a pictorial look around here of my favorite loud things. That aren’t human, LOL! I’m just not showing you a picture of my sister’s dog—can’t stand it for one, for another I have no pictures. And I don’t allow it in my house, so by default it’s not around the house, now is it? It doesn’t amount to much, but that’s fine too. I’m not into doing much on here today (other than what I’ve already done 😀 )

My favorite shirt:


I actually usually am the loud friend…sometimes I just don’t know when to keep my mouth shut.

Then there’s my cd collection, most of which are cds bought since I became an adult, that I like from when I was a teenager. Most of them are best experienced LOUD. 😀





Of course, that loudest thing right now is the dripping of water coming from the ceiling. Oh I do hope to be out of here this year!

Why One (such as I) Should NEVER Experiment With a New Recipe At Night

At least, when I started this little adventure, that’s what I thought I’d be saying to you all. But, I love how things work out, and surprise you.

You see, I shouldn’t (and won’t for long) be on the computer now…I turned it off before putting P to bed, and figured it would stay that way until T comes home in the morning. But then I got to thinking…I did have time to do things before going to bed, and I’ve really got to get the Amish Friendship Bread Batter changed over to new bags. And I’d like to use that Streusel recipe I had seen the last time I looked over the site. At least, if nothing else, look over it. So, I turned this thing back on. After a bit of a detour, I thought for a minute and reminded myself of why I sat down. I was also having a bit of a sweet craving, so it was time to check my Bloglines clips, and find that recipe for making doughnuts at home….

Which led me to this post. I didn’t even intend to post again (I’ve got my Friday memes post all lined up, I figured I’d see ya tomorrow!). But, with a mind to solve that sweet craving, I set around the wall to the kitchen, after copying down the specifics at the site I could find the recipe (it was mentioned here, which pointed me here).

I took out the necessary impliments—the roll of dough, the sugar, the butter (no margarine here anymore), the cinnamon, the pan (which I had washed so I could do this), the oil. Poured the oil in the pan, started opening then working on the dough.

I took one look at the dough and how it came out, and thought “ut oh, I might have a problem here.” It didn’t look like any biscuit I had ever seen. Then I took a closer look at the wrapper, and it said DINNER ROLLS.


I started to get nervous—the oil was starting to get hot, I had no choice but to see if I could make this work. So I tore the strands—because the rolls looked like cinnamon rolls, in that they were wrapped around themselves, they could be unrolled—or shaped them into a round doughy thing with a hole in it the best I could.

Because I was nervous, the cheese beckoned:


But as I went on, I found that it all worked out.


The finished doughnuts looked not quite like they did at the original recipe, or the secondary one, but it works.


They taste almost like funnel cakes—much lighter and crispier than a “normal” doughnut. Those mini ones are mine. The rest are now sitting on the table, waiting for others to enjoy (except my favorite one).


This is why I count baking and cooking as one of my hobbies–the fun is always in the experimentation. With a little know-how, the ability to think on your feet and some bravery to take what comes your way, you can have some REAL fun in the kitchen. I’m still going to try making the doughnuts with the Amish Friendship Bread Batter Biscuits I’ve been making. It sounds like it might actually work out. So stay tuned.

As an aside, I think the cheese might be part of an omelet or two in the morning! 😀 Lucky it!

Thursday Thirteen – What I think about Snow

Well, folks, it’s nearly the end of January. In some parts of the country, that means upwards of 2 MONTHS of dealing with snow. We had a white Christmas, a White New Years, and I can’t think of many days we haven’t had some accumulation of snow. So, since it seems to be a crazy focus around here, I thought I’d discuss what I like (or don’t) about snow (more don’t like than like, of course!).

1. It’s pretty! Of course, it goes without saying that it’s one the most beautiful forms of precipitation. It’s been glossed about or mentioned in many songs and poems, and who doesn’t love seeing a freshly fallen field of snow?


2. It’s fun to play with. Hello??? Snowball fights! Need I say more? I still haven’t found the pair of glasses T knocked off my face his first winter here in WNY, which he did by getting me in the face with a snowball! And snowmen! We all have one or two great snowmen in our memory that we just had the best time making, or worked really hard to make. Oh, and I don’t ski or ice skate, but I loved going sledding as a child. There are just not many good places to go around here anymore 😦


3. Snow days! Well, it’s not about the snow itself, necessarily, and certainly it’s not always the greatest thing for parents (though I’m a SAHM with a husband who works nights, so what do I care?), but I know kids LIVE FOR THEM. It was funny when I was in high school—our snow days would always been on the days where, invariably the main road through the district would be clear (which is a BIG THING). Thing is, I went to a rural high school, and we had to not only worry about that main road, but also the back roads. Which were not fun to traverse some clear days!

4. Delays. Can’t say many good things about snow, really. The delays can be the worst—whether it’s having to drive carefully because of unclear roads (which is an item all to itself), or if it’s because of a big snow storm hanging over something like an airport, delays aren’t fun.

5. Visibility. Or, rather, the lack there of. Sometimes, it’s just coming at you so hard and so fast, you can see little. I can tell you stories about going up that same main road in my school district (though, a different part of the road that isn’t [or is it?] right in the district), where I was giving mom and dad a ride because their car was in the shop, to go to the store or whathaveyou, and they had to talk me through the ride down the hill. OMG….you learn to watch for those lines at all times. And thank goodness we know the roads we dare to travel on during heavy snowfall so well…because sometimes you’re just going by the snowy landmarks you know!

6. Unplowed roads. I almost put “unclear” roads, but I might get you confused in thinking I was talking about the visibility. No, not even when I’m talking about having to find those lines—you can have roads where you can’t see the lines even when the snow has stopped. You know, I noticed something interesting this last week when we had a super cold snap. It seemed as if those who were blessed with the task of clearing our roads were having a much harder time of it than usual. And I think it goes back to a news report I saw on one of the local channels, talking about how the colder it gets, the less effective the salt and sand are on the roads. I noticed it wasn’t melting, something that helps with the clearing–because while it’s wet and disgusting and irritating, it’s easier to push up and over…and when you go over it with your tires, it’s more likely to get pushed out of the way and tracks are more easily formed when it’s warmer and thus wetter than when it’s just cold! Oh, and this doesn’t even include the streets the plow HASN’T gotten to yet! Because sometimes a plow can go over a road several times, and it’s just not clear!


7. Snow tires. Actually, these are a GOOD thing. Which we weren’t able to get this year. My dear hubby might find this item a good one, because he likes the slipping and sliding that sometimes occurs, but I get a bit jittery (though, I’ll be frank—a bit of a shimmy here and there is kinda cool too 😛 ).

8. People who don’t completely clear off their cars. Again, not really the snow itself—it’s going to blow around one way or another whether you like it or not. But this brand of people, they burn my britches!!! I call these people and their cars Blizzards-in-a-Car! And I don’t see how they can really say anything in their defense. It’s just wrong on so many levels!! First of all, it’s illegal for your license plate to be obscured (a funny—T pointed out a police car we pulled up behind at Tim Horton’s whose license plate was obscured–but if you didn’t know it was a police car, with POLICE written in 4 or 5 different places on all sides, you were blind enough you wouldn’t have seen his plate anyhow…still, it’s the principle of the thing). Next, they are putting everyone else on the road in danger, in two ways. (1)They are limiting their visibility. If they’ve only got 1 foot of windshield cleaned off in front of them, they might not see me or my child coming closely from their right. (2) There’s also the blow off from the tops and backs of their cars. People who leave just the top of the car are almost as dangerous, because the snow can blow off of their car too, but at LEAST they made an effort!!!

You know what I do when I go out to my car, whether it’s me or T driving? I take out a snow brush (they sell them, ya know! Sometimes year around!), and do an almost 360 around the car…I clean off the headlights, the windshields (front and back), the windows (all 4), and the back bumper and both license plates, plus as much as I possibly can of the top and sides and hood of the car. I might not always get it perfect—but I MAKE THE EFFORT!!!

9. Hardly plowed driveways. This is why I sprained my ankle last year. Because the people that had been hired to plow our driveway (by the landlord—if it was by me…well, we’ll probably be digging ourselves out when we buy our own house for years, but it would have been a LOT clearer!) hadn’t come in a while. So the snow that was there had been allowed to accumulate, and what wasn’t evaporated off by the sun (there are spots that remain in shadow nearly all day) had been shaped and reshaped by the tires of fellow park residents. I know we could have done SOMETHING about this—it’s not all the landlord’s fault…but, truthfully, 3 or more feet out of our door is solely the landlord’s responsibility, and that’s where I was standing! All I did was move my foot!

10. Unplowed driveways. There is roughly an hour where a driveway not being plowed or shoveled is okay. I even understand it. But, when you want me to come and pick you up (like in the case of my daughter’s friend), you had better at least clear out the front of your driveway! Because I DON’T like getting stuck!

11. Getting stuck. Never fun. Whether in the mud or in the snow. I’ve personally gotten stuck twice so far this year—in the aforementioned friend’s driveway, and in my dad’s. I’ll give my dad and my sister and her husband the benefit of the doubt, because dad wasn’t there, and it accumulated after my sister and her husband left for their thing that day—but it wasn’t fun. At least, most of it wasn’t. I kinda get a laugh out of the rocking that needs to be done to get yourself out of a spot. Hmm….I’m not counting when I got stuck in our own parking spot…but that has more to do with #9, because another part of the hardly plowing is that sometimes the timing is off—like this weekend, the plow showed up after T got home. Sometimes they come as late as 6 or even 11am, but sometimes they come at 4am.

12. The accumulation of slop in a wheelwell. This is another thing that deserves its own mention. It’s just disgusting. And I think it contributes to the ability to maneuver your car in the snow. Some cars have it all around each wheel, and it looks the worst on a large vehicle. I understand that the friction and heat created by the tires might make this better….but I’ve taken to kicking the area just in front of the front tires and the back bumper behind the back ones, and taking the scraper to these areas. I hope I don’t and try to be careful not to hit the brake lines (like I’d know if I did, before I got in and used the car), but it drives me batty. Turns out, it’s not just me—I get it from my dad (and the kids are getting it from me. It’s funny to see P do it.) I broke our newer scraper/brush on Tuesday doing this! it was a cheaper plastic one, while our older one’s handle seems to be sturdy. The brush is all smashed though 😦

13. Pictures. Okay, I can’t gripe at you the whole time. Because, while in this man made world dealing with snow is a hassle—it really is one of God’s most beautiful creations! So, more pictures (because they didn’t completely fall in other categories!)!




Bonus: My daughter’s favorite—a recipe for Snow Ice Cream!

To see other Thursday 13 Participants (many of whom came from the original Thursday Thirteen), go here!

Wordless Wednesday 1/21/09 – It’s been a long day…


Little guy climbed up onto daddy’s lap, and promptly fell asleep. Holding an apple, which is just out of the frame, between his little knees. I made sure he didn’t have any in his mouth, as I talked to him just as he was falling asleep 😀

Thursday Thirteen – Colorado (and Wyoming) Pictures

Thursday Thirteen - Pictures From Colorado
Thursday Thirteen - Pictures From Colorado

I’m lax in getting all our pictures and stuff up from when we visited T’s family out in Colorado and Wyoming, so this week is a special treat—13 select pictures from that trip, with explanations (do you not expect me to expound on them? 😀 )


T Hamming It Up
T Hamming It Up

T hamming it up for the camera—we had just bought this one, as our old fancier one had taken a bath earlier this year, and I had already taken a picture, but told him to look natural. So he looked silly. Typical.


P playing on the Playground in Sterling, CO
P playing on the Playground in Sterling, CO

P playing on the playground in Sterling, Co. They have an AWESOME rec center, with 2 pools (one indoors, one outside), a playground and some outdoor exercise equipment (I’ve got picture of that too, but I don’t know that I’ll post them, yet.). We have none of that around here–there’s an Olympic size swimming pool here at the college, and they used to have a course on the campus grounds that was like the exercise equipment, but they took those down years ago, and of course there are playgrounds all over, but not stuff all in one place like this. And we’re about the same size as Sterling.


D playing on the playground in Sterling, Co.
D playing on the playground in Sterling, Co.

D playing on the same playground, on the side for the bigger kids. She’s always been my monkey, so it’s always fun to see her going across jungle gyms 🙂


Rock formation outside of Cheyenne, Wy, that T and his mom just had to take pictures of.
Rock formation outside of Cheyenne, Wy, that T and his mom just had to take pictures of.

The caption speaks for itself.


T and Whiskers - or - As if you didn't already know where we were on this trip!
T and Whiskers - or - As if you didn't already know where we were on this trip!

T is holding the cat his dad has had since T was in school. And he’s wearing a shirt that we bought while in Sterling picking his mom up to come hang with us at his dad’s house. We try to buy shirts while we’re out there to mark the occasion. The first time we went out, WalMart was selling shirts with the state the store was in and a map of the state—made for an uncomfortable moment for my father in law going “we lived there and there and there” on the Colorado shirt while I was wearing it. Not really uncomfortable bad, just “yeah, that’s why I didn’t touch the shirt while I was saying it” kinda uncomfortable. I like to point out where we’ve been sometimes when I wear the shirt even now. Though it’s getting old and grungy. T doesn’t wear the shirt from when we first went very often (though he did just yesterday while he was going through all his clothes in the washroom—and he wore it the day I gave birth to P), so his is all nice and new 😐


P rowing on some of the aforementioned exercise equipment in Sterling.
P rowing on some of the aforementioned exercise equipment in Sterling.

I wasn’t sure that I was going to get to post any of these, but P just looked so cute trying to use the rower! 🙂


Rainbow over Ft Collins
Rainbow over Ft Collins

I thought this one was so awesome that I had to post it again. We were heading down to Loveland (which is almost right next to Ft. Collins now) to find someplace for D to swim (she just HAD to swim because we didn’t get a chance to while we were in Sterling, even though we had tried). We drove right into a rain storm, which was just great because we were in T’s dad’s Saturn Ion, which is no longer the car it was when he first bought it and drove out here in 2003 (when he bought it brand new). I didn’t freak, but was instead praying the whole time we were in the downpour, and really felt His presence with us. When we went around Ft. Collins looking at places from T’s youth, we were in the trailer park he lived in when he enlisted in the Army and was thus his Home of Record when we met and were discharged, and saw this while we were leaving. T stopped and took this picture. I’m reminded that God’s covenant with Noah, that He would never do anything quite so total to the human race again, was a rainbow.


I can't believe I'm up so high!
I can't believe I'm up so high!

This is the first in a series of photos from when we went from Cheyenne to Rawlins and surrounding towns they had lived in to see many places T has told me about in our 13 years together. We were driving along before Laramie and even before the monument for the Lincoln Highway, and I was just amazed watching out the windows and seeing the clouds so close it was like I could touch them. I had at that point never been up that high—clouds always seemed miles away, always do here closer to sea level. Now it felt like I could almost reach out and touch a real cloud while still standing.


Lincoln Highway Monument
Lincoln Highway Monument

This is the monument at the rest stop that commemorates the Lincoln Highway. Here’s the plaque that explains it (much better than I):
Explanation of Lincoln Highway
Explanation of Lincoln Highway


Windmill Blade
Windmill Blade

I’ve always found one of the most beautiful and amazing things in Wyoming to be the windmill farms they have out there. What better way is there to harness the natural energy of the planet, than to use wind? I think the controversies going on over in Westfield are just ridiculous, and I for one wouldn’t mind having a windmill in my backyard. There is so much wind flipping around, might as well use it! Besides, the way things are going, we’ll probably have to go back to that anyhow—all that aside, I was just in awe when we saw these coming up, and I’m pretty sure T was interested in it too!


The beauty of nature---the best part of living in a SMALL TOWN!
The beauty of nature---the best part of living in a SMALL TOWN!

This shows how small the town T was born and first lived in was—it’s small enough the wildlife hasn’t gone too far. I think this might have even have been in the old family homestead’s front/side yard (which is quite more “urban” than the one from my dad’s family. Never seen anything much of the like from either mom’s side, other than glances at the house my mom grew up in a few times. But that house didn’t have generations living and being born and dying in it like the house my dad grew up in. My grandpa was the last of his family to be born there. 🙂 ). That has to be one of the best things of living in a small town—in some parts of this town, you can find deer or other small creatures around from time to time.


Rawlins sign, up on a hill.
Rawlins sign, up on a hill.

I guess this has been up there for quite some time, it’s got fond memories for T. If you can’t see more than the big R, it’s also got “Rawlins” written up at the top.


Never been higher
Never been higher

This is the picture of my father in law’s GPS in his van. In case you can’t see it—it says we are 10,624 feet up in the air—approximately 2 miles. And if we had stopped and gotten out (which would have been crazy as we were after all on a nice winding hill road), we would have been STANDING ON SOLID GROUND 2 miles up in the air. I thought it was amazing being under the clouds and thinking how it was like I could touch them—I could have touched them now, AND it was SNOWING in the middle of August!!! That doesn’t even happen here in Western New York!!!!

I should have another set of 13 up next week. There are still more pictures, and at least one more folder on the card for the camera, of pictures we took!

Don’t forget to visit other participants. This is all about sharing and getting to know each other! 🙂

Fun with Photos

I have fun with pictures from time to time—I don’t consistently play Photohunt or anything, but I like to post an occasional picture or two. I found this on Cynthia Clack’s blog, who found it on Jewls’…the list can go on. Like everyone else I’ve followed whose done it, I thought it would be cool. Instructions after the mosaic.

My Flickr search fun

Here’s how you play:
The concept:

a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image. (I searched a bit until I settled on one that moved me…but on the first page)
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s Mosaic Maker.

The Questions (with my answers):

1. What is your first name? Allison
2. What is your favorite food? pizza
3. What high school did you go to? Cassadaga
4. What is your favorite color? Black
5. Who is your celebrity crush? Vincent D’Onofrio
6. Favorite drink? water
7. Dream vacation? Colorado
8. Favorite dessert? ice cream
9. What you want to be when you grow up? writer
10. What do you love most in life? Jesus and family
11. One word to describe you. (from T, go figure) ambitious-procrastination
12. Your flickr name. angelgal2976