Yummy Carrot Soup before the ROW80 Check-In 3/4/15

I’m going to be right on time with this ROW80 check in! Yippee!

General progress – 4 days and I haven’t logged into Facebook once. I uninstalled the messenger from my phone, logged off on both my laptop and my cell phone, and removed the game on my phone that I play. Games are a big time suck for me, so it’s great that I’m not staring at my phone anymore. Nope, now I’m staring into a box full of beads, sorting out the ones I have in my box (re-sorting I should say, as these were sorted out once, but I decided to toss them all together to make room in my big box for other beads.). That way I can do the rainbow bracelets that I mentioned before. This will be posted on my Facebook, I think, but that’s something unavoidable right now. I was going to set up posts for my business page, but I didn’t get to them before March started. And holding to transparency – we talked about opening an account for a fellow vendor/friend so she can get her business out there, but that was stymied because none of us know her birthday! So I almost did, but not for me! And I did fuss about it!

I’m still unhappy with this weather. I’m sure that’s a constant theme. I’m nervous about having to attempt crossing ice rinks all over the place. There is a bucket of sand at the store that we use in front of the store – I asked to take some, and put it between my door and my car. Anywhere I go, I feel some distraction at having that last trek 😦

So, enough of the complaining, on to the check-in:

1. Writing Prompts: As soon as I’m done here, I’m going to go visit my bestie at work (if she’s there) and do some brainstorming/writing for the current #Writestuff challenge and an original (ha ha) idea I had that some ideas popped up in my head for.
2. Networking: Missed this week’s (it’s on Tuesday) #writestuff on Twitter – I know about the challenge because there’s also a Google group for it.
3. Personal: I did some writing, I forget what day – or maybe I didn’t. But that’s one of the things I’m going to do when I leave.
4. Getting my work out there: Haven’t looked anything up.
5. Editing: All old stories are still packed away in the closet.
6. Preparing for Missouri: Nothing since Sunday – tho it was actually 2/3 of the boxes that I brought in.
7. Read something: Haven’t picked anything else up, tho I had that itch!
8. Crafting: Sorting beads, like I said. I talked to a friend who had gotten my doilies at the auction for church year before last, who had asked me to do a table runner. She picked one out from the pattern book I found.
9. Tarot: I did a reading for that thing I mentioned last time, which I’m pretty sure resulted in a very vivid dream about someone. One of the things I need to write about in my journal.
9. Cleaning: No major cleaning.
DAILY – Like I said – working on it.

You may not remember, I don’t think I’ve said anything about it recently – but I’m sticking to being vegetarian. I found a recipe on Pinterest for Vegan Carrot Soup With Caramelized Onions. Very good, well worth cutting my thumb for! I love how you can taste the onions, and that the blended up carrots and potatoes give it a wonderful base.

Off to write now!


  1. Hey Allison,
    Thanks so much for mentioning my soup. I’m really sorry you cut your thumb, though. Nice to find your blog.

    1. angelgal3176 says:

      It was a small cut, and really sort of my own fault, I was thinking of something/someone that made me upset so my mind was off of the subject just long enough for the oops. It is a GREAT soup, I’m definitely making it again! I also look forward to trying a few of your other recipes (such as the cauliflower gratin). It was a slight flesh wound, my thumb is fine – I put pressure on it immediately, it was a small lesson for my son – and a chance for him to use what he had learned through Cub Scouts 🙂

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